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This article explores how shared ownership works and its potential benefits for aspiring homeowners.
Creating a beautiful garden doesn't have to break the bank, especially if you're starting from scratch with a new build home. With some…
Moving into a new home is incredibly exciting and it gives you an opportunity to create a home that truly resonates with your character and…
Here at Sanctuary, we love to see a development launch. It’s an exciting time! And we are very excited about Whinney Hill…
This beginner's guide to buying a house on a new-build development will help you navigate the house-buying process with confidence.
Shared ownership has emerged as a popular housing option for individuals and families looking to get onto the property ladder in England.…
Buying a house is a big decision, so it's important to approach the process carefully. From warranties to hidden costs, here are some key…
Sanctuary is pleased to announce that our next phase of shared ownership apartments – Beckett Court - will be launching summer 2023.